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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Bliss - November 2009

November 12, 2009 – 10 months old

Is it possible she got faster? Yes, in the blink of an eye she’s moved across the room, or left the room! She is so enamored by her ability to be mobile, it’s sometimes all she does all day, just crawl from one room to another, occasionally stopping to pull herself up on something, and then carry on. She is getting so strong and so confident she is letting go more often and taking more risks. Such as reaching for things future away and standing without holding on for longer periods of time.

She recognizes more and more words every day, like button, lamp, puppy, nose, toes and ears. We practice pointing and looking for things.

She now has 8 teeth; four bottoms and four tops. She can squat and kneel, and is still crawling and “walking” along like a champion. She also enjoys “jumping”, although most of the time it’s on our bed, she dose try to do it while holding onto chairs. Our bed is one of her favorite places now that she has learned to “tumble”, she will sit up and then put her arms up and fall back. Or she will fall to the side and roll over and over again. She is our little monkey jumping on the bed.

The other times she “jumps” is to music. I have a feeling she is going to be a great dancers!

I can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with her!

Love the Worrell’s XOXO

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