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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Bliss - December 2009

December 2009 and January 2010 – 10 and 11 months old

Well, it hasn’t been long but sooooo much has happened in two months. She started eating “real people” food just before the holidays –– but mostly just the veggie, breads and fruits. But as she progressed, she has begun to want to feed herself more and more. So she started enjoying chunks of stuff – carrots, potatoes and bananas being her favorite – right size, taste and texture I guess. She even had turkey for Thanksgiving and ham for Christmas. Now, we enjoy a “baby” dinner and then she joins us for mashed up/bite size versions of our dinners during our dinner time.

She is making more and more noise – echoing “ut-oh” and “no, no, no”, “da da” and “ma ma”. And she hums along to ABC’s and similar songs like BINGO and Ol’ McDonald. Thanks to the many wonderful gifts she got at Christmas, she has many interactive-talking-learning toys – that sing songs, count and make animals sounds. One in particular is a magnet that is on our kitchen fridge and makes farm animal sounds, plus plays 6 farm songs and she will have a little “hoe down” in the kitchen – just dancing away!

She is getting better at recognizing things by their names – the dogs, a car, a tree, a lamp, buttons, a ball, etc. But has not yet attempted “speaking” those words.

She started walking on Jan. 12 – right at 11 months, she must have decided – this is it!! And, so now she uses her “walking” toys to run with. Luckily, she is a very good baby and comes when she called, follows us around and has learned sign for “stop” and verbally listens to “no”, for the majority of the time.

One of her characteristics, which I personally enjoy, is her “putting away” or collecting mode. Blocks, bath toys and her jumbo legos are typically subject to being “stuffed” back in their “homes” by her, when she decides she is done. It’s very cute!

On of the other things that is so sweet, is she is “in love” with our photos in the hall way. When walking past she will practically turn out of your arms, pointing at the pictures and wanting to touch them. And, when we do look at them, she lights up and touches almost everyone and sometimes kisses them.

Her first birthday is coming up, I can’t believe it but I can’t wait!~

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