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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Event Planning: I am an Event Planner and I plan Special Events

Event professionals, a thought: Post 9-11 and post Boston Marathon 4-15

I didn't get into this profession to read through Homeland Security manuals, to "brainstorm" about potential threats, worse-case-scenarios and train my staff/volunteers in triage or mass evacuations.

I wanted to give people a reason to celebrate, to come together and feel a sense of community. To experience new things to celebrate culture, diversity, history, music, food, talent and each other. To push limits; to create "Wow", to "take it up a notch", to make memories, to make children laugh, smile or expose them to something new, and make traditions. I want to give families a chance to do something together - outside of their TV's, out of their SUV's...away from technology. Furthermore, I want them to "get out" into their parks, community centers, city streets, and out of their comfort zones. I want to create opportunities for people to challenge themselves, and challenge others. I want to improve their quality of lives, by providing quality, safe experiences that foster their appreciation of the arts, sports, and tradition.

It is well known in our industry that you follow the first two rules of event planning: 1) SAFETY FIRST 2) Plan for the worst and hope for the best...

And as far as I am concerned I will continue to do that, and although I will always be as prepared as I can be! I HOPE that the only thing I have to worry about - is rain on my parade!!

I am an Event Planner. They call them "Special Events" for a reason. Smile, dance, sing, play, run, swim, cheer, compete, perform, Enjoy!

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