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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Getting lucky...again?

Reading "Maybe Baby" - a collection of letters by real people, deciding to have or not to have a baby, or additional babies in some cases. A look into some peoples obsession with having children and how they "force" that on others, how some people choose NOT to have children and wish others would just leave them alone about it. That lingering sense of only "feeling" complete by having children, and so on... it's interesting. I guess I got the book becuase I wanted to ready what others thought when deciding to have another baby; maybe I thought, it would help to know the motavation behind the initial decisions to have or not have children in the first place. I can't alway make sense of my thoughts on the subject and I would say that "society" may play a role and sometimes makes it difficult to sort through my own feelings.

Which lead me to ask - when people find out I had an EASY pregnancy, an EASY 5 hour birth and now have an EASY baby - why do they say "oh, just wait till the next one!". Is a family only allowd one good baby? Will I be "punished" for having it easy and therefore "cursed" with a difficult baby in my future? Maybe no one can really apprechiate my journey in motherhood because I haven't had to deal with a "bad" baby. Somehow I got "lucky" the first time around and God might be keeping track to make sure he even's the score. If not God, then who. Who is keeping track of who gets good babies and who gets bad babies. And, if they are going to have more than one, who makes sure at least one of them is "bad"? I am not sure I understand this "spitful" universe where "bad baby karma" exsist. But people seem pretty certain they understand the role of these "Baby Gods" and that my "luck" is about to run out... Hmmmmmm?

P.S. I know for certain it is NOT Mother-In-Laws. Somewhere around our first anniversary she told Rich " I hope you have a baby just like you!", she still claims he does not deserve Eme.


  1. So I've heard the same thing about the "good baby, bad baby" stuff. The 1st pregnancy was oh so easy, the labor was a whole 1 hour 45 minutes and the baby was a so called easy baby. I keep hearing that we need to watch out for this 2nd one. So far the pregnancy has been easy...we'll see how the rest goes and we'll let you know if this is true or not.

  2. Well my BEST wishes for you, I hope you have as good of "luck" with the second one - in fact if it's in your stars, I hope you have a handfull of wonderfully happy and "good" natured babies!! I am of the mind that "they" are all good babies, right? Right! :)
