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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Everyone Mind Their Own Budget, Please

Vicious rumors are swarming my office (like Killer Bees, stinging the closest victims) , mostly about budgets – Who is spending what, what are they spending it on? Did they overspend? Did they have to spend that much? They probably didn’t go through all the proper procedures in purchasing. Did they “shop around”? They probably didn’t get three quotes, which means they just went out and bought the most expensive one! Don’t they know were on a budget?!?

But some of the rumors are targeting people's work and getting kind of personal; do they have enough work to do, did they leave early, did they get back from lunch late, did they get to work late, did they make a personal erand, are they on the internet, are they goofing off, did I hear someone laugh? (Godforbid someone have fun at work or enjoy themselves) Thanks, I have a mother and a supervisor and a department director!
Let the rant begin!

Titled: The Parks Department Spent All The Money?


That's what I thought yesterday when someone told me that was a RUMOR going around after yesterdays director/budget meeting. I said "Seriously? No one is silly (stupid) enough to believe that? You have to be joking?" - Considering the spending Gestapo and MUNIS make it nearly impossible to spend anything - yet alone for "parks to overspend their budget". I have news for you, for those of fueling rumors - NOT HELPING MORAL! Remember all budgeted items are approved, by coordinators, by supervisors, by directors, by accounting, by council, by town manager… there is no need for any more budget police – I doubt you are uncovering something that nobody knew about. And, there is no reason for anyone to be “upset” at another departments costs of operating. Because ultimately – “operating”, means serving the public to the best of our abilities and resources.
Furthermore, we are all working for the same mission – essentially we are all on the same team. We need to be more considerate of each other, to stay human. Some of the “medaling” that is going on, is downright disturbing work. I personally can’t believe how cruel we’ve become. Nit picky and nosey. For instance, consider that if someone comes in a little late or leaves a little early – that since they worked over the weekend; worked the last 14 days in a row; stayed late and worked through lunch this week; or attended the last 15 council and commission meetings; that they might have to cut out early to tend to their neglected families, pets or homes… or grab a card for a loved one… pick up medicine… I don’t know, life happens. Don’t miss it and don’t stop other from living it. Take a message and move on. Everyone feels abused occasionally, hourly or salary—we’ve ALL has to put in the OT: and oh yeah - no one is getting raises (going on year three).

1) If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!

2) If you change your perspective, your perspective changes. And...

3) You can only make happy people, happy.

There is work to be done, if not there are others to help. So I hope we can all remain focused on doing our OWN jobs to the best of abilities and not about the lives of others. Worry about yourself, my mom use to say - it may reduce the stress your life.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, OK I admit it was kind of a rant! But, it got me so fired up. I watched a front desk employee run around the office looking for someone in my department. First she tried calling... nope, not at his desk. My suggestion: tell the person "he's not at his desk, can I take a message?". Nope. She then gets up and comes back to disturb me, and asks "is he here?" and then "have you sceen him?". Nope. Then tells the customer "well I don't know where is his, that is so frustrating!". Oh help us!
