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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DIY: Find It game, How to make your own "Find It" Game

This is a very unique project, because it is based on a very unique game. I once saw it in a toy store - called "Find It" and it consisted of a clear container and many mini objects to find. It's roughly around $10 - $20 depending on where you buy it. Then a friend of a friend gave a gift to a child that was based on this same concept. Only it was liquid based and she had made it, and the objects were charms (minus the silver ring) of things. I tried to find the instructors or examples on-line but had no luck. I wanted to create a fun and unique craft for a teen event - so I needed to be able to make affordable - bulk DIY: Find It games for them.
So here is a picture of supplies I used from Discount School Supply and below is the link to Barnes and Noble where they have one for sale.

SUPPLIES: So here is the list of the supplies I used to make 12 - 16 Find It games: empty tennis ball containers, 4 buckets of fuse beads - or any colorful filler that you want to use (see options below), poker chips, globe key chains, flip flop key chains, mini clothes pin, paper clips, rubber bands, mini bottles, toy mini dinosaurs, mini beach bucket beads, buttons, mini jingle bells, glass dice beads, glass dog bones, plastic coins, letter tiles (look like Scrabble pieces), and sports beads that are in the shapes of mini balls. 

They also sell colorful rice, and pony beads, which I considered for the fillers. But in the end, I thought this was the most affordable, closest to the actual product and the most durable and long lasting.

I chose the items as random as possible, with some that were easily accessible - like paper clips and rubber bands. I also chose items I thought were best to duplicate in additional projects - like the toy dinosaurs, buttons, poker chips, dice and letter tile - which I thought kids could use left over game pieces. But I have seen that these games come in themes - otherwise you could get overwhelmed with what to put in there!! And if you aren't going to do this in "bulk" - then you are limited to what you can find. Either way - this was fairly inexpensive for the bulk project and would have beat buying 14 games for each kid, plus they had the fun and experience of making it on their own!!

HOW TO: Anyway, once you have the supplies you are going to use, you will also need to prep the objects for hiding! For instance I had to remove any of the metal rings on the key chains and I added a note to my mini bottle. I also hand picked out the letters of the teens names for their letter tiles :) They you give each a kid a bad of their objects to hide, you can also give them an option to bring an item to add...(limit it to a 1inch X 1/2 inch object) and have them wipe out/clean their tennis tube. Once they have their scoop of filler they can begin to add objects as desired, till they are all in, plus filler - NOTE: leave an inch at the top, or there won't be any movement!! And lastly, glue the top on and add directions!

I printed a list of all the objects I brought for them and left two lines for them to pencil in something if they brought it. On the back of the list was instructions:

One person:
1) Find the objects and beat your best time!
2) Find the objects in alphabetical order
3) How many objects can you find in 2 mins (no looking at the list!)
4) Find every other object in order, then every third, and so on

Two person:
1) Who can find the most objects in 2 mins (no looking at the list!)
2) Time each other to see who can find all the items the fastest
3) Take turns finding every other object, then every third, and so on
4) ADD dice for more fun! Take turns and role the die, find the object that corresponds with that number.

Let me know if you come up with more ways to play!! Enjoy!

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