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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby Soundtrack to Life

What do toddlers think about?? It occurred to me the other day that my toddler has become very "busy". I know, I know, I know that they are constantly learning new skills and that they do a lot of repetitive play in order to learn more about their world. Cause and effect, etc. But, I guess I noticed that, in an unexpected way, that she has found her sense of importance. She is always doing something, but with purpose it seems. I like this newly developing confidence and self placement. Don't get me wrong she is still silly and babyish, but I get a kick out her when I can tell she has become task orientated. Some self managed agenda for the day that includes taking this block and placing it over here, and this bunny and putting it in a box. She does not talk yet, so most words are stand alone and one syllable yet, but she understands a whole lot more - most of what is said to her. And despite her lack of verbal communication she appears to be "thinking" a lot. So it begs the question: what language is she "thinking" in? When she tries really hard to communicate and "talk" with us; she will manage a pretty lengthy string of sounds and grunts - which we call "cave baby". And I wonder, is that what she hears in her head? (Now that I think about it, I guess I have asked this question of my pets) Is it strung together cave baby thoughts, bits and pieces of English, or is it silence...I mean is there music playing in the back ground?

Just a funny thought from motherhood - enjoy the day!

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